Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Stop Posting Serial Photographs

Avoid those serials. You know what we mean - the serials. Putting up two or three and often more of the same series of photographs back to back to back. It diminishes their effectiveness and awe factor. 

Photographers can get carried away with serials as well as models. We fall in love with a model (happens all the time. Don't worry, it's platonic but it will never lasts because we're artists. We're passionate and intense but we bore quickly 😀). Or we fall in love with a look or a series and we want to put up three four or more of the same garment from the same model in the exact same location with very little change between each shot. We're not talking a complete pose change or location change. We're saying a subtle change like she's leaning to her left side on this shot and then the next she leans to the right. Trust us when we say people bore pretty quickly and unless that image offers a unique look or perspective not seen in its preceding image you had better leave it out completely.

People want to be shocked, awed and surprised. The more you feed them the same, the more you'll bore them to tears and they'll quickly lose interests. As a photographer, we have to keep pushing ourselves to be more innovative, creative and forward thinking which is why one of the greatest attributes of the best artists in the world is that they hate sameness. They need to keep pushing boundaries of expressiveness and always wanting more - more sensation and more variety. But when anyone, including models, puts up two or three of the same picture from the same look without staggering them it gets old pretty fast. This is more pronounced with social media. Upon first seeing a picture the reactions are near instantaneous, plentiful and  immediate  especially if it is unexpected; followed up with a very similar barely differentiated image of the same you can likely expect about a 50% to 70% drop right off the top in the number and time of reactions. What can I say? People just have short attention spans. They're already looking for the next shocker. 

If you have a lack of work then stagger the looks or wait awhile between posts. If you lack the patience then you really need to shoot more variety with more frequency. If you still can't do that then you need to shock your audience beyond words. You'll want them to gasp and you'll want to blind them in waves of mind numbing awesomeness with each posts despite those long spans of time between each one. It's one more reason why runway pictures get old really fast. I mean just how many angles of the same runway, in the same dress of the same person do we need to see? Ok runway - got it - check - let's move on. One is ok. Two is bad. Three is horrible. When we saw the first image we got it. Great, you do runway. Bored already. Trust me, they'll wait for you between post if you're good enough. But if you're predicable and keep doing the same thing you're gonna irritate them and your audience will not come back.  

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