Monday, July 2, 2012

2012 Olympic Team Horrible Photo Failure

Check out this horrible photo failure of the 2012 Olympic Team...

An inside joke or not these athletes represent what is the United States' best in terms of performance, discipline, training, physical prowess and conditioning. They should be represented in a fashion representative of those achievements. These images are horrible and if they were a PR stunt then that PR person should be fired. If they were test shots then the person that authorized their release should be fired or at least disciplined. 
In response to someone that commented earlier on this article that the amateurship looking studio shots are a new trend and even purposely lit badly or poorly edited; that's simply because there are so many wannabes calling themselves photographers. It's not a trend. It's a symptom of a market overcrowded with people that own cameras and call themselves photographers. The fact that you see it as a trend is because there is so much of it. High end well established photographers are still doing high end work. These shots are a travesty.

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